Entrance & Exit Criteria
Initial Placement Criteria
Students who qualify for special education due to significant needs in the areas of communication, academic instruction, independent functioning, and behavior may be considered for placement at the L.I.F.E. Academy. This placement determination is made by the IEP team. The team will determine if the intensity of the student’s needs cannot be addressed through a cross categorical program or with supplementary aids and services provided within their home district.
Students considered for this program are from three through twenty-one years of age who qualify for special education under, but not limited to, one of these eligibilities:
Intellectual Disability
Developmental Delay
Traumatic Brain Injury
Multiple Disabilities
Students who are considered for this program exhibit moderate to profound delays or deficits in the majority of the following skill areas:
Activities of Daily Living
Cognitive Development
Fine and Gross Motor Skills
Socialization/Behavior and/or Emotional Maturity
The L.I.F.E. Academy would be appropriate for students requiring a highly structured program with adaptive modifications in curricula as needed to support the following long-term educational/functional goals:
Preparation for community living (semi-independent or supervised)
Supported employment / Community-based training
Basic social skills for functioning in school and community
Academic instruction designed to address participation in school activities with peers, home living skills, social skills, self-direction, community direction, safety skills, and employment/volunteer.
Reintegration Process Criteria
These criteria, when met, will lead the L.I.F.E. Academy team to recommend to the IEP team reintegration in the home district or other less restrictive setting. While a parent has the right to request the IEP consider a change of placement at any time, these criteria are markers for success when reintegration is considered. As always, the final decision on placement and reintegration rests with the IEP team, including with meaningful parental participation.
Items to consider based on each individual student:
Academic achievement that can be successfully supported in the home district.
District and parental support for the change of placement.
An IEP meeting should then be scheduled to discuss current goals, progress, supports, reintegration plan and possibly change of placement.