Transition Readiness and Career Connections
On TRACC is a program for students ages 18-22 who have the credits they need to graduate, but require additional support to meet their post-secondary goals. Students must have an IEP and meet minimum behavior and independence requirements. This program is offered to all 28 districts EIASE serves and is located in Mattoon School District’s LIFT building.
On TRACC provides three tracks for instruction. These include taking one or two courses at Lakeland, taking LIFT courses, or working in the community competitively through the support of the STEP program. Each student’s schedule is tailored to their post-secondary goals. When not at LLC, LIFT classes or work, students will be in a classroom receiving functional skills instruction. Students will learn independent living skills like using public transportation, shopping, budgeting, etc. This program is intended for students to complete in 1-2 years. It is our goal for all students to attain competitive employment or continue with their college education.