EIASE Recycling

The Eastern Illinois Area of Special Education Recycling Program is an opportunity for students with various ability levels to come together and gain work experience. This program is designed to teach students skills they can use in the workplace or in their everyday lives after finishing high school. Within the recycling center, job coaches teach and supervise the students to sort and process recyclable items. As part of the program, the students are given the unique experience of being able to take part in each step of the recycling process. All proceeds from recycling are utilized to create and support work experience opportunities for students at EIASE. 

Community Partners

We have partnered with many area businesses to reduce the amount of waste making its way into our landfills. Throughout the school year, students, accompanied by a job coach, go to various businesses around Mattoon to collect recyclable items. 

Approved Recycling Materials


Ordering Benches & Tables

The EIASE Recycling Program partners with Green Tree Plastics in Evansville, IN to turn plastic caps and lids into recycled benches and tables. These are made of 100% recycled plastic caps & lids converted to plastic lumber. There are several advantages to these products.

Product List - Public

Please complete the information on this form to indicate your interest in ordering a table or bench from the EIASE Recycling program. We are required to have a minimum sized order with our supplier. Therefore, although we accept interest orders throughout the year, we do not actually place orders until we have met the minimum requirements. We will contact you prior to placing our order with our supplier to make sure that you are still interested. You will not be invoiced for payment until we actually place our order with the supplier. 


All prices and availability are subject to change.

Standard Bench

Grey is the default color


Available in a variety of colors!

Bench w/o Back

Also available without backs

Standard Table Design

Toddler Table

Ozark Table in Blue

E.I.A.S.E.  Recycling Center                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Phone: 1.844.999.9006 ext. 6208
1615 Lakeland Blvd.
Mattoon, IL 61938