Entrance & Exit Criteria

Placement Criteria 

Students who qualify for special education due to behavioral and emotional issues may be considered for TLC placement. This placement determination is made by the IEP Team, contingent upon acceptance of the student by EIASE after application for placement at TLC has been made by the District through the process outlined below. The significance of the behaviors must impede the student’s learning in the general education setting. Students considered for this program are from five through twenty-one years of age.

This program is based upon each student's individualized education program (IEP). A variety of approaches are utilized to provide the student with the opportunity to benefit from his or her education and be successful to achieve their goals. Approaches used include positive behavioral interventions and supports, a tri-level charting system with rewards for appropriate behavior, providing a structured and routine environment, individual and group counseling, social work services, implementing Therapeutic Crisis Intervention strategies and systems of support, and individualized academics. TLC's goal is to teach students functional behavioral skills which will assist the student to return to the general education class setting as soon as possible. This program would be appropriate for students requiring a highly structured setting with modifications in curricula as needed to support the following long-term educational/transitional goals:

Students with disabilities have the right to be educated in the least restrictive environment. Education placement decisions are made based on student’s needs and may include the following (listed from least restrictive to most restrictive):

EIASE’s TLC program is a Separate Day School. Districts should provide documentation that less restrictive placements have been tried and did not meet the student’s level of need prior to placement consideration in the TLC program.

Steps for Requesting a TLC Placement

“IEP goals should be written before a decision is made on placement. Goals should be written to support the student’s needs. They should not be written to reflect the services available in a specific placement.” 

- ISBE Parent Guide to Special Education p. 61

The TLC placement process will be managed by EIASE Associate Directors, not the TLC Principals. Please do not contact the TLC Principal directly to discuss potential placements. In the event that a district needs a placement process other than what is outlined above, contact the EIASE Executive Director. 

For Students Currently Being Served in a Residential Facility Who are Returning Home

When the district is notified that there is a student who will be returning from a residential setting, the district contact person should call the Associate Director to notify them. If there is space available in the TLC program, the TLC Principal will call the district contact person to schedule a file review. This meeting should include TLC staff, Associate Director, district contact person, and the residential facility staff person. Once the file review has been conducted, and it is determined that TLC might be an appropriate placement for the student, an IEP meeting to determine placement will be scheduled between the TLC principal, district contact person, residential facility staff person, and the Associate Director. The residential facility will write the IEP, and changes can be made at the IEP meeting. 

Reintegration Process Criteria 

These criteria, when met, will lead the TLC team to recommend to the IEP team reintegration in the home district or other less restrictive setting.  While a parent has the right to request the IEP consider a change of placement at any time, these criteria are markers for success when reintegration is considered.  As always, the final decision on placement and reintegration rests with the IEP team, including with meaningful parental participation.

 Items to consider based on each individual student: